System of Supports
Learners and educators get the right supports when they need them.
Short Term Outcomes
Have tiered supports in place and identify students who need additional support and create a comprehensive plan for how students receive the supports they need
Communicate with students about what tiered supports are available to them
Explore adults’ needs and begin to identify supports aligned to those needs
Medium Term Outcomes
Take a data-driven to ensure their tiered supports are implemented with fidelity
Establish supports for adults and have a comprehensive plan for how adults receive the supports they need
Communicate with adults about what SED-related supports are available to them
Long Term Outcomes
Provide the right supports to students and educators when they need them.
Address gaps in how students and teachers are accessing supports (e.g. by race/ethnicity, gender, or FRL status, for students)
Share learnings and approaches with other schools within their district to align practices system-wide
Learn about the work schools are doing to help learners and educators get the right supports when they need them.