Empowered Students
Learners and educators share power.
Short Term Outcomes
Feel their input is sought by their school
Are aware of the work happening at the school level and included on design teams related to SED work
Educators and schools…
Widely seek out and listen to feedback from a diverse array of students
Include a diverse set of students on design teams related to SED work
Medium Term Outcomes
Feel ownership over aspects of and inform the direction of the school’s SED work
Educators and schools…
Have structures in place to consistently invite meaningful engagement related to the school’s SED work from a diverse array of students
Value and act upon opinions and feedback from a diverse array of students
Long Term Outcomes
Share in decision-making authority with educators related to SED work
Partner in design and implementation of SED vision
Educators and schools…
Share decision-making authority on SED work with a diverse array of students
Share leadership roles with a diverse set of students
Share learnings and approaches with other schools within their district to align practices system-wide
Learn about the work schools are doing to help support empowered students at their schools.